News David Clare News David Clare

Death of the Iceberg siren

First Virna Lisi, now Anita Ekberg dies, eclipsing (in every sense) the passing of her younger, less notorious colleague in sex symbol-dom…

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News David Clare News David Clare

RIP Gordon Willis

Although he had not worked in movies for nearly two decades, the death from cancer last month of Gordon Willis marked the passing of one of the great cinematographers from the modern half of film history…

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News David Clare News David Clare

Rich pickings this month

First off, I owe Matthew McConaughey an apology, having scoffed at his body transforming antics in Dallas Buyers Club last month…

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News David Clare News David Clare

The Talented Mr Hoffman

Obituary: Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014)We were all shocked and saddened at the beginning of the month to hear of the untimely death of Philip Seymour Hoffman from a drug overdose…

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News David Clare News David Clare

Sight and Sound Critics' Poll

And so the expected dethronement has happened: after years at the top of Sight and Sound's revered World Critics' Poll, Citizen Kane has been displaced by Hitchcock's Vertigo,…

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News David Clare News David Clare

Tony Scott dies

The news came yesterday that Tony Scott had taken his own life by jumping off a bridge over water in L.A….

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News David Clare News David Clare

Award Blues

Here's to Michel Hazanavicius and Jean Dujardin for trouncing the opposition at several awards ceremonies!  Those of us who know better, of course, appreciate that Monsieur Dujardin has done little more than capitalize on his self-adoring persona…

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