Orphée (1950)


Country: FR
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Jean Cocteau
Cast: Jean Marais, François Périer, Maria Casarès


In an unspecified present a celebrity poet, both adored and mistrusted by his fan base for his increasing association with the state, witnesses the death and delivery to the underworld of a rival talent. He then receives surrealist broadcasts on his car radio which he incorporates in his verses. Meanwhile, Death has fallen in love with him and her chauffeur with Eurydice, his wife...


Cocteau's most celebrated film, though not necessarily his best, gets off to a vigorous start and contains some nice mirror effects for the passage to the underworld (the reverse playback device is more transparent). In addition, the broadcasts from beyond and the motorcycle outriders of death have remained as generic signifiers ever since. Where it is less sure is in providing a coherent working out of its themes of fickle public, compromised artist, plagiarism and necrophilia. Doubtless it is just too overloaded for such an undisciplined talent as Cocteau's but remains a remarkable work.

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Country: FR
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Jean Cocteau
Cast: Jean Marais, François Périer, Maria Casarès


In an unspecified present a celebrity poet, both adored and mistrusted by his fan base for his increasing association with the state, witnesses the death and delivery to the underworld of a rival talent. He then receives surrealist broadcasts on his car radio which he incorporates in his verses. Meanwhile, Death has fallen in love with him and her chauffeur with Eurydice, his wife...


Cocteau's most celebrated film, though not necessarily his best, gets off to a vigorous start and contains some nice mirror effects for the passage to the underworld (the reverse playback device is more transparent). In addition, the broadcasts from beyond and the motorcycle outriders of death have remained as generic signifiers ever since. Where it is less sure is in providing a coherent working out of its themes of fickle public, compromised artist, plagiarism and necrophilia. Doubtless it is just too overloaded for such an undisciplined talent as Cocteau's but remains a remarkable work.

Country: FR
Technical: bw 112m
Director: Jean Cocteau
Cast: Jean Marais, François Périer, Maria Casarès


In an unspecified present a celebrity poet, both adored and mistrusted by his fan base for his increasing association with the state, witnesses the death and delivery to the underworld of a rival talent. He then receives surrealist broadcasts on his car radio which he incorporates in his verses. Meanwhile, Death has fallen in love with him and her chauffeur with Eurydice, his wife...


Cocteau's most celebrated film, though not necessarily his best, gets off to a vigorous start and contains some nice mirror effects for the passage to the underworld (the reverse playback device is more transparent). In addition, the broadcasts from beyond and the motorcycle outriders of death have remained as generic signifiers ever since. Where it is less sure is in providing a coherent working out of its themes of fickle public, compromised artist, plagiarism and necrophilia. Doubtless it is just too overloaded for such an undisciplined talent as Cocteau's but remains a remarkable work.