Operation Daybreak (1975)


Country: US/CZ/YUG
Technical: col 119m
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Cast: Timothy Bottoms, Martin Shaw, Joss Ackland, Nicola Pagett


An account of the mission to assassinate Heydrich, the butcher of Prague, by British-trained Czech commandos in 1942.


The problem is that the Czechs are all played by British actors, and Heydrich is good old friendly Anton Diffring, who was in our films so long to be almost British himself. A pity because Gilbert does build up to quite a stirring denouement.

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Country: US/CZ/YUG
Technical: col 119m
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Cast: Timothy Bottoms, Martin Shaw, Joss Ackland, Nicola Pagett


An account of the mission to assassinate Heydrich, the butcher of Prague, by British-trained Czech commandos in 1942.


The problem is that the Czechs are all played by British actors, and Heydrich is good old friendly Anton Diffring, who was in our films so long to be almost British himself. A pity because Gilbert does build up to quite a stirring denouement.

Country: US/CZ/YUG
Technical: col 119m
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Cast: Timothy Bottoms, Martin Shaw, Joss Ackland, Nicola Pagett


An account of the mission to assassinate Heydrich, the butcher of Prague, by British-trained Czech commandos in 1942.


The problem is that the Czechs are all played by British actors, and Heydrich is good old friendly Anton Diffring, who was in our films so long to be almost British himself. A pity because Gilbert does build up to quite a stirring denouement.