On Deadly Ground (1994)


Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/scope 101m
Director: Steven Seagal
Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen


An oil well firefighter clashes with his corrupt boss in Alaska over environmental standards, and soon people are dying.


Typically slick sub-Arnie bloodletting, with a soft-spoken star who does surprisingly little in the way of chop-socky here. The best that can be said about it is that it doesn't hang around, and even contrives to have a heart in an extraordinary educating-the-redneck-spoiler scene, but the director should have been warned off making a Chaplinesque sermon on the environment at the end, especially having just exploded an extensive oil refinery in a conflagration that would probably keep him busy for weeks.

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Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/scope 101m
Director: Steven Seagal
Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen


An oil well firefighter clashes with his corrupt boss in Alaska over environmental standards, and soon people are dying.


Typically slick sub-Arnie bloodletting, with a soft-spoken star who does surprisingly little in the way of chop-socky here. The best that can be said about it is that it doesn't hang around, and even contrives to have a heart in an extraordinary educating-the-redneck-spoiler scene, but the director should have been warned off making a Chaplinesque sermon on the environment at the end, especially having just exploded an extensive oil refinery in a conflagration that would probably keep him busy for weeks.

Country: US
Technical: Technicolor/scope 101m
Director: Steven Seagal
Cast: Steven Seagal, Michael Caine, Joan Chen


An oil well firefighter clashes with his corrupt boss in Alaska over environmental standards, and soon people are dying.


Typically slick sub-Arnie bloodletting, with a soft-spoken star who does surprisingly little in the way of chop-socky here. The best that can be said about it is that it doesn't hang around, and even contrives to have a heart in an extraordinary educating-the-redneck-spoiler scene, but the director should have been warned off making a Chaplinesque sermon on the environment at the end, especially having just exploded an extensive oil refinery in a conflagration that would probably keep him busy for weeks.