Olympus Has Fallen (2013)


Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 119m
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Cast: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Radha Mitchell, Ashley Judd, Rick Yune


A disgraced former Secret Service aide returns to rescue the President and his young son when North Korean special forces storm the White House.


We have a white President and different coloured terrorists, but essentially the other ingredients are more or less unchanged from Columbia's unbelievably simultaneous and plusher White House Down: topical background geopolitics, snake-in-the-grass turncoat on the inside, undervalued hero-cum-one man rescue team, Die Hard-style two-way communication with helpless officialdom on the outside... If anything this cheaper version ups the ante in terms of collateral damage (here it is the Washington Monument that gets it rather than the Congress rotunda) and merciless mayhem; it is also brisker. The need for individualist heroes says more about the American psyche today than anything in the Western genre, but the film is otherwise an alarming advertisement for the inadequacies of nuclear security in the free world.

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Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 119m
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Cast: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Radha Mitchell, Ashley Judd, Rick Yune


A disgraced former Secret Service aide returns to rescue the President and his young son when North Korean special forces storm the White House.


We have a white President and different coloured terrorists, but essentially the other ingredients are more or less unchanged from Columbia's unbelievably simultaneous and plusher White House Down: topical background geopolitics, snake-in-the-grass turncoat on the inside, undervalued hero-cum-one man rescue team, Die Hard-style two-way communication with helpless officialdom on the outside... If anything this cheaper version ups the ante in terms of collateral damage (here it is the Washington Monument that gets it rather than the Congress rotunda) and merciless mayhem; it is also brisker. The need for individualist heroes says more about the American psyche today than anything in the Western genre, but the film is otherwise an alarming advertisement for the inadequacies of nuclear security in the free world.

Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 119m
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Cast: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Radha Mitchell, Ashley Judd, Rick Yune


A disgraced former Secret Service aide returns to rescue the President and his young son when North Korean special forces storm the White House.


We have a white President and different coloured terrorists, but essentially the other ingredients are more or less unchanged from Columbia's unbelievably simultaneous and plusher White House Down: topical background geopolitics, snake-in-the-grass turncoat on the inside, undervalued hero-cum-one man rescue team, Die Hard-style two-way communication with helpless officialdom on the outside... If anything this cheaper version ups the ante in terms of collateral damage (here it is the Washington Monument that gets it rather than the Congress rotunda) and merciless mayhem; it is also brisker. The need for individualist heroes says more about the American psyche today than anything in the Western genre, but the film is otherwise an alarming advertisement for the inadequacies of nuclear security in the free world.