Nixon (1995)


Country: US
Technical: col/bw/scope 192m
Director: Oliver Stone
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Joan Allen, James Woods, E. G. Marshall


As Watergate brews up around him the President listens to his tapes and reflects on his life.


We are accustomed by now to the collage technique of this director but it doesn't cease to be worthwhile viewing, even if this film doesn't quite pack the single-minded punch of JFK. The acting is first-rate and Stone's commitment awesome.

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Country: US
Technical: col/bw/scope 192m
Director: Oliver Stone
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Joan Allen, James Woods, E. G. Marshall


As Watergate brews up around him the President listens to his tapes and reflects on his life.


We are accustomed by now to the collage technique of this director but it doesn't cease to be worthwhile viewing, even if this film doesn't quite pack the single-minded punch of JFK. The acting is first-rate and Stone's commitment awesome.

Country: US
Technical: col/bw/scope 192m
Director: Oliver Stone
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Joan Allen, James Woods, E. G. Marshall


As Watergate brews up around him the President listens to his tapes and reflects on his life.


We are accustomed by now to the collage technique of this director but it doesn't cease to be worthwhile viewing, even if this film doesn't quite pack the single-minded punch of JFK. The acting is first-rate and Stone's commitment awesome.