Nine (2009)


Country: US/IT
Technical: bw/col/2.35:1 118m
Director: Rob Marshall
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, Sophia Loren


Guido Contini, a fêted Italian film director who desperately needs a success after a couple of flops, finds himself in a whirlwind of production team, press, star agents, wife and mistress as he vainly tries to come up with a script idea before they start shooting in eleven days time.


Another of Marshall's classy entertainments, this is a burlesque musical version of Fellini's 8½, based on the Broadway show. The free-associative form of the original lends itself perfectly to flitting in and out of song and dance, fantasy and reality. There are mercifully some omissions, such as the whip-wielding scene, as one can have too much of a good thing even when it is choreographed, performed and edited as stunningly as here. From the very opening when a City of Women in basques emerges from the half-constructed set at Cinecittà, the film oozes sensuality, and the female cast have never looked more beguiling than here, with the exception of la Loren who at 75 just looks amazing as the Mama. Day-Lewis, too, has just the right nonchalant air of faint embarrassment that so many women are fawning over him to carry off this narcissistic role, which in any case fits him like a glove - a man who disappears for a couple of years and re-emerges to make a movie.

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Country: US/IT
Technical: bw/col/2.35:1 118m
Director: Rob Marshall
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, Sophia Loren


Guido Contini, a fêted Italian film director who desperately needs a success after a couple of flops, finds himself in a whirlwind of production team, press, star agents, wife and mistress as he vainly tries to come up with a script idea before they start shooting in eleven days time.


Another of Marshall's classy entertainments, this is a burlesque musical version of Fellini's 8½, based on the Broadway show. The free-associative form of the original lends itself perfectly to flitting in and out of song and dance, fantasy and reality. There are mercifully some omissions, such as the whip-wielding scene, as one can have too much of a good thing even when it is choreographed, performed and edited as stunningly as here. From the very opening when a City of Women in basques emerges from the half-constructed set at Cinecittà, the film oozes sensuality, and the female cast have never looked more beguiling than here, with the exception of la Loren who at 75 just looks amazing as the Mama. Day-Lewis, too, has just the right nonchalant air of faint embarrassment that so many women are fawning over him to carry off this narcissistic role, which in any case fits him like a glove - a man who disappears for a couple of years and re-emerges to make a movie.

Country: US/IT
Technical: bw/col/2.35:1 118m
Director: Rob Marshall
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, Sophia Loren


Guido Contini, a fêted Italian film director who desperately needs a success after a couple of flops, finds himself in a whirlwind of production team, press, star agents, wife and mistress as he vainly tries to come up with a script idea before they start shooting in eleven days time.


Another of Marshall's classy entertainments, this is a burlesque musical version of Fellini's 8½, based on the Broadway show. The free-associative form of the original lends itself perfectly to flitting in and out of song and dance, fantasy and reality. There are mercifully some omissions, such as the whip-wielding scene, as one can have too much of a good thing even when it is choreographed, performed and edited as stunningly as here. From the very opening when a City of Women in basques emerges from the half-constructed set at Cinecittà, the film oozes sensuality, and the female cast have never looked more beguiling than here, with the exception of la Loren who at 75 just looks amazing as the Mama. Day-Lewis, too, has just the right nonchalant air of faint embarrassment that so many women are fawning over him to carry off this narcissistic role, which in any case fits him like a glove - a man who disappears for a couple of years and re-emerges to make a movie.