La niña santa (2004)


(The Holy Girl)

Country: ARG/SP/IT/NL/SW
Technical: Cinecolor 104m
Director: Lucrecia Martel
Cast: Mercedes Morán, Carlos Belloso, Alejandro Urdapilleta, María Alché


During a medical conference at a provincial hotel, the pubescent daughter of the manageress is molested by one of the doctors and makes it her vocation to save him from himself. Meanwhile the mother has developed a crush on him...


A remarkable film which revolves around a series of misapprehensions: the doctor thinks he is being blackmailed; the mother mistakes his guilt for love; the daughter thinks she is doing good and is in fact destroying lives. It's shot in a close-up claustrophobic style which conjures up the atmosphere of the run-down hotel admirably, and there is something foreign and transitory about the characters' lifestyle there which is oddly melancholy in a way that recalls one's own holiday experiences.

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(The Holy Girl)

Country: ARG/SP/IT/NL/SW
Technical: Cinecolor 104m
Director: Lucrecia Martel
Cast: Mercedes Morán, Carlos Belloso, Alejandro Urdapilleta, María Alché


During a medical conference at a provincial hotel, the pubescent daughter of the manageress is molested by one of the doctors and makes it her vocation to save him from himself. Meanwhile the mother has developed a crush on him...


A remarkable film which revolves around a series of misapprehensions: the doctor thinks he is being blackmailed; the mother mistakes his guilt for love; the daughter thinks she is doing good and is in fact destroying lives. It's shot in a close-up claustrophobic style which conjures up the atmosphere of the run-down hotel admirably, and there is something foreign and transitory about the characters' lifestyle there which is oddly melancholy in a way that recalls one's own holiday experiences.

(The Holy Girl)

Country: ARG/SP/IT/NL/SW
Technical: Cinecolor 104m
Director: Lucrecia Martel
Cast: Mercedes Morán, Carlos Belloso, Alejandro Urdapilleta, María Alché


During a medical conference at a provincial hotel, the pubescent daughter of the manageress is molested by one of the doctors and makes it her vocation to save him from himself. Meanwhile the mother has developed a crush on him...


A remarkable film which revolves around a series of misapprehensions: the doctor thinks he is being blackmailed; the mother mistakes his guilt for love; the daughter thinks she is doing good and is in fact destroying lives. It's shot in a close-up claustrophobic style which conjures up the atmosphere of the run-down hotel admirably, and there is something foreign and transitory about the characters' lifestyle there which is oddly melancholy in a way that recalls one's own holiday experiences.