Kalifornia (1993)
Country: US
Technical: col/scope 118m
Director: Dominic Sena
Cast: Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny, Michelle Forbes
Having embarked on a tour of serial killer murder locations, a journalist and his girlfriend inexplicably decide to share rides and costs with an ex-con, whose unstable behaviour soon gives cause for concern.
A rather morbid premise for an exercise in pre-ordained thriller high stakes, this charmless film at least gave Pitt an opportunity to flex his acting muscles beyond the pretty boy image with which he had been identified.
Country: US
Technical: col/scope 118m
Director: Dominic Sena
Cast: Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny, Michelle Forbes
Having embarked on a tour of serial killer murder locations, a journalist and his girlfriend inexplicably decide to share rides and costs with an ex-con, whose unstable behaviour soon gives cause for concern.
A rather morbid premise for an exercise in pre-ordained thriller high stakes, this charmless film at least gave Pitt an opportunity to flex his acting muscles beyond the pretty boy image with which he had been identified.
Country: US
Technical: col/scope 118m
Director: Dominic Sena
Cast: Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny, Michelle Forbes
Having embarked on a tour of serial killer murder locations, a journalist and his girlfriend inexplicably decide to share rides and costs with an ex-con, whose unstable behaviour soon gives cause for concern.
A rather morbid premise for an exercise in pre-ordained thriller high stakes, this charmless film at least gave Pitt an opportunity to flex his acting muscles beyond the pretty boy image with which he had been identified.