The Idiots (1998)



Technical: col 114m
Director: Lars von Trier
Cast: Bodil Jorgensen, Jens Albinus, Anne Louise Hassing


Youngish middle-class professionals on holiday start 'spassing' - pretending to be mentally retarded - initially to get out of paying a restaurant bill, then as a pseudo-political experiment.


The search for the inner idiot, giving vent to emotions unhampered by bourgeois constraints, is the pretext for much irresponsible behaviour, some of it mildly amusing. The whole is packaged according to Dogma 95 (free of other constraints - get it?) so we have to put up with jerky, out of focus shots and continuity lapses. It caused a minor stir for its shots of tumescence and penetration, but less then Crash the previous year, which says a lot.

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Technical: col 114m
Director: Lars von Trier
Cast: Bodil Jorgensen, Jens Albinus, Anne Louise Hassing


Youngish middle-class professionals on holiday start 'spassing' - pretending to be mentally retarded - initially to get out of paying a restaurant bill, then as a pseudo-political experiment.


The search for the inner idiot, giving vent to emotions unhampered by bourgeois constraints, is the pretext for much irresponsible behaviour, some of it mildly amusing. The whole is packaged according to Dogma 95 (free of other constraints - get it?) so we have to put up with jerky, out of focus shots and continuity lapses. It caused a minor stir for its shots of tumescence and penetration, but less then Crash the previous year, which says a lot.


Technical: col 114m
Director: Lars von Trier
Cast: Bodil Jorgensen, Jens Albinus, Anne Louise Hassing


Youngish middle-class professionals on holiday start 'spassing' - pretending to be mentally retarded - initially to get out of paying a restaurant bill, then as a pseudo-political experiment.


The search for the inner idiot, giving vent to emotions unhampered by bourgeois constraints, is the pretext for much irresponsible behaviour, some of it mildly amusing. The whole is packaged according to Dogma 95 (free of other constraints - get it?) so we have to put up with jerky, out of focus shots and continuity lapses. It caused a minor stir for its shots of tumescence and penetration, but less then Crash the previous year, which says a lot.