Iron Man Three (2013)


(Iron Man 3)

Country: US/CHI
Technical: col/2.35:1 130m
Director: Shane Black
Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Ben Kingsley, Miguel Ferrer, Jon Favreau


Tony Stark challenges an Afghan terrorist to a showdown, little suspecting that behind him lies a far bigger threat, in the shape of a maniac who has developed a drug that gives the user superhuman powers of strength, heat and regeneration.


This particular franchise had the benefit of never taking itself too seriously, and being helmed by the mercurial Downey Jr. In this rather redundant sequel, what appears to be a topical reference to Osama Bin-Laden is in fact a blinder for the usual megalomaniac hocus-pocus, with the spurned and twisted genius who turns his invention against mankind, or American-kind anyway. There is added interest from the conflicted Hall character and an initially imperilled Pepper Potts-turned nemesis. Kingsley's turn is hilarious while it lasts, but the President is a cipher who hardly seems worth saving. On reflection, while we might celebrate the apparently conclusive despatch of the Iron Man body armour, and the allayed threat of further sequels, what is to be regretted is the destruction of Stark's impressive wine cellar in the process.

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(Iron Man 3)

Country: US/CHI
Technical: col/2.35:1 130m
Director: Shane Black
Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Ben Kingsley, Miguel Ferrer, Jon Favreau


Tony Stark challenges an Afghan terrorist to a showdown, little suspecting that behind him lies a far bigger threat, in the shape of a maniac who has developed a drug that gives the user superhuman powers of strength, heat and regeneration.


This particular franchise had the benefit of never taking itself too seriously, and being helmed by the mercurial Downey Jr. In this rather redundant sequel, what appears to be a topical reference to Osama Bin-Laden is in fact a blinder for the usual megalomaniac hocus-pocus, with the spurned and twisted genius who turns his invention against mankind, or American-kind anyway. There is added interest from the conflicted Hall character and an initially imperilled Pepper Potts-turned nemesis. Kingsley's turn is hilarious while it lasts, but the President is a cipher who hardly seems worth saving. On reflection, while we might celebrate the apparently conclusive despatch of the Iron Man body armour, and the allayed threat of further sequels, what is to be regretted is the destruction of Stark's impressive wine cellar in the process.

(Iron Man 3)

Country: US/CHI
Technical: col/2.35:1 130m
Director: Shane Black
Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Ben Kingsley, Miguel Ferrer, Jon Favreau


Tony Stark challenges an Afghan terrorist to a showdown, little suspecting that behind him lies a far bigger threat, in the shape of a maniac who has developed a drug that gives the user superhuman powers of strength, heat and regeneration.


This particular franchise had the benefit of never taking itself too seriously, and being helmed by the mercurial Downey Jr. In this rather redundant sequel, what appears to be a topical reference to Osama Bin-Laden is in fact a blinder for the usual megalomaniac hocus-pocus, with the spurned and twisted genius who turns his invention against mankind, or American-kind anyway. There is added interest from the conflicted Hall character and an initially imperilled Pepper Potts-turned nemesis. Kingsley's turn is hilarious while it lasts, but the President is a cipher who hardly seems worth saving. On reflection, while we might celebrate the apparently conclusive despatch of the Iron Man body armour, and the allayed threat of further sequels, what is to be regretted is the destruction of Stark's impressive wine cellar in the process.