The Flashing Blade (1967)


(Le chevalier Tempête)

Country: FR/SW/BEL/CAN
Technical: col/1.33:1 TV Mini-series: orig.4x75m
Director: Yannick Andrei
Cast: Robert Etcheverry, Jacques Balutin, Denise Grey, Geneviève Casile


During a truce in the Mantuan Succession phase of the Thirty Years' War, a French chevalier and his servant, both expert swordsmen, escape from the besieged castle of Casale in Lombardy and break through enemy lines in an attempt to inform the main French force of the Spanish breach of faith.


Where Angélique offered big budget 17th century thrills, the ORTF provided younger television audiences with this cheesy swashbuckler, no doubt employing some of the same costumes. It was recut into twelve or thirteen shorter episodes by the BBC, in which form many of us saw it dubbed with a dashing theme song by The Musketeers and bleeding chunks of Berlioz. Balutin contributes Leporello-style humour, while Etcheverry is a pallid hero. It certainly moved, though how well all the duelling has aged is another matter.

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(Le chevalier Tempête)

Country: FR/SW/BEL/CAN
Technical: col/1.33:1 TV Mini-series: orig.4x75m
Director: Yannick Andrei
Cast: Robert Etcheverry, Jacques Balutin, Denise Grey, Geneviève Casile


During a truce in the Mantuan Succession phase of the Thirty Years' War, a French chevalier and his servant, both expert swordsmen, escape from the besieged castle of Casale in Lombardy and break through enemy lines in an attempt to inform the main French force of the Spanish breach of faith.


Where Angélique offered big budget 17th century thrills, the ORTF provided younger television audiences with this cheesy swashbuckler, no doubt employing some of the same costumes. It was recut into twelve or thirteen shorter episodes by the BBC, in which form many of us saw it dubbed with a dashing theme song by The Musketeers and bleeding chunks of Berlioz. Balutin contributes Leporello-style humour, while Etcheverry is a pallid hero. It certainly moved, though how well all the duelling has aged is another matter.

(Le chevalier Tempête)

Country: FR/SW/BEL/CAN
Technical: col/1.33:1 TV Mini-series: orig.4x75m
Director: Yannick Andrei
Cast: Robert Etcheverry, Jacques Balutin, Denise Grey, Geneviève Casile


During a truce in the Mantuan Succession phase of the Thirty Years' War, a French chevalier and his servant, both expert swordsmen, escape from the besieged castle of Casale in Lombardy and break through enemy lines in an attempt to inform the main French force of the Spanish breach of faith.


Where Angélique offered big budget 17th century thrills, the ORTF provided younger television audiences with this cheesy swashbuckler, no doubt employing some of the same costumes. It was recut into twelve or thirteen shorter episodes by the BBC, in which form many of us saw it dubbed with a dashing theme song by The Musketeers and bleeding chunks of Berlioz. Balutin contributes Leporello-style humour, while Etcheverry is a pallid hero. It certainly moved, though how well all the duelling has aged is another matter.