The Face on the Barroom Floor (1914)


Country: US
Technical: bw 14m
Director: Charles Chaplin
Cast: Charlie Chaplin, Cecile Arnold, Jess Dandy


A drunkard recounts how he was once a celebrated artist who fell in love with his model but was jilted for another.


Charlie drinks himself to oblivion as he attempts to recapture the features of his beloved in chalk on the floor of the saloon. Not exactly brimming with laughs, this one-reeler, and Dandy makes for a strange sort of rival, all rotundity, eye makeup and combover. It gave Chaplin another opportunity to direct (uncredited).

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Country: US
Technical: bw 14m
Director: Charles Chaplin
Cast: Charlie Chaplin, Cecile Arnold, Jess Dandy


A drunkard recounts how he was once a celebrated artist who fell in love with his model but was jilted for another.


Charlie drinks himself to oblivion as he attempts to recapture the features of his beloved in chalk on the floor of the saloon. Not exactly brimming with laughs, this one-reeler, and Dandy makes for a strange sort of rival, all rotundity, eye makeup and combover. It gave Chaplin another opportunity to direct (uncredited).

Country: US
Technical: bw 14m
Director: Charles Chaplin
Cast: Charlie Chaplin, Cecile Arnold, Jess Dandy


A drunkard recounts how he was once a celebrated artist who fell in love with his model but was jilted for another.


Charlie drinks himself to oblivion as he attempts to recapture the features of his beloved in chalk on the floor of the saloon. Not exactly brimming with laughs, this one-reeler, and Dandy makes for a strange sort of rival, all rotundity, eye makeup and combover. It gave Chaplin another opportunity to direct (uncredited).