Foe (2023)


Country: US/AUS/GB
Technical: col 110m
Director: Garth Davis
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, Aaron Pierre


2065, the American Mid West: a young couple living on the now barren family farm is approached by a mysterious functionary who informs them that the husband has been selected to live and work 'off-world', while the wife will be provided with a biological replacement.


This desultorily paced psychodrama skirts its manifold implausibilities by explaining as little as possible to the audience. The husband works in a poultry factory but what do the chickens feed on? The wife waits in a diner, but where do the customers live? The planet can barely support vegetation, but there seems no shortage of white wine... and those are the least material questions one might have; others, voiced here, might spoil the film's crucial twist. To an extent none of this matters, since author Reid and co-adaptor Davis are clearly more concerned with questions of consciousness, A.I. and the human heart, namely whether, poised between past and future, we can ever be happy, and whether a replicant can fall in love. Well, we thought Blade Runner had answered that one. As for the other, Ronan does an excellent job of portraying varying shades of doubt.

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Country: US/AUS/GB
Technical: col 110m
Director: Garth Davis
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, Aaron Pierre


2065, the American Mid West: a young couple living on the now barren family farm is approached by a mysterious functionary who informs them that the husband has been selected to live and work 'off-world', while the wife will be provided with a biological replacement.


This desultorily paced psychodrama skirts its manifold implausibilities by explaining as little as possible to the audience. The husband works in a poultry factory but what do the chickens feed on? The wife waits in a diner, but where do the customers live? The planet can barely support vegetation, but there seems no shortage of white wine... and those are the least material questions one might have; others, voiced here, might spoil the film's crucial twist. To an extent none of this matters, since author Reid and co-adaptor Davis are clearly more concerned with questions of consciousness, A.I. and the human heart, namely whether, poised between past and future, we can ever be happy, and whether a replicant can fall in love. Well, we thought Blade Runner had answered that one. As for the other, Ronan does an excellent job of portraying varying shades of doubt.

Country: US/AUS/GB
Technical: col 110m
Director: Garth Davis
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, Aaron Pierre


2065, the American Mid West: a young couple living on the now barren family farm is approached by a mysterious functionary who informs them that the husband has been selected to live and work 'off-world', while the wife will be provided with a biological replacement.


This desultorily paced psychodrama skirts its manifold implausibilities by explaining as little as possible to the audience. The husband works in a poultry factory but what do the chickens feed on? The wife waits in a diner, but where do the customers live? The planet can barely support vegetation, but there seems no shortage of white wine... and those are the least material questions one might have; others, voiced here, might spoil the film's crucial twist. To an extent none of this matters, since author Reid and co-adaptor Davis are clearly more concerned with questions of consciousness, A.I. and the human heart, namely whether, poised between past and future, we can ever be happy, and whether a replicant can fall in love. Well, we thought Blade Runner had answered that one. As for the other, Ronan does an excellent job of portraying varying shades of doubt.