Fire Over England (1937)


Country: GB
Technical: bw 92m
Director: William K. Howard
Cast: Flora Robson, Leslie Banks, Raymond Massey, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh


A young patriot falls in love with Queen Elizabeth I's lady in waiting and goes off to fight the Spanish Armada.


The film which encapsulated the Oliviers' romance more than any other and won them over to the national (and international) bosom. (Nothing like a bit of jingoism amid a gathering storm for overlooking some extra-marital rumpy-pumpy, eh?) It's a bit stilted now, of course, and the sea battle was only ever a bathtub affair, but there's no underestimating the historic importance of the film.

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Country: GB
Technical: bw 92m
Director: William K. Howard
Cast: Flora Robson, Leslie Banks, Raymond Massey, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh


A young patriot falls in love with Queen Elizabeth I's lady in waiting and goes off to fight the Spanish Armada.


The film which encapsulated the Oliviers' romance more than any other and won them over to the national (and international) bosom. (Nothing like a bit of jingoism amid a gathering storm for overlooking some extra-marital rumpy-pumpy, eh?) It's a bit stilted now, of course, and the sea battle was only ever a bathtub affair, but there's no underestimating the historic importance of the film.

Country: GB
Technical: bw 92m
Director: William K. Howard
Cast: Flora Robson, Leslie Banks, Raymond Massey, Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh


A young patriot falls in love with Queen Elizabeth I's lady in waiting and goes off to fight the Spanish Armada.


The film which encapsulated the Oliviers' romance more than any other and won them over to the national (and international) bosom. (Nothing like a bit of jingoism amid a gathering storm for overlooking some extra-marital rumpy-pumpy, eh?) It's a bit stilted now, of course, and the sea battle was only ever a bathtub affair, but there's no underestimating the historic importance of the film.