Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965)


Country: US
Technical: bw 84m
Director: Russ Meyer
Cast: Tura Satana, Haji, Lori Williams


Three strippers kidnap a girl and head off into the desert. However, new opportunities for mischief present themselves when they come across an old man and his two sons at a filling station.


Possibly Meyer's best film, Pussycat encapsulates the classic Meyer fantasy: cast his own go-go dancer girlfriends in a narrative that presents arbitrary evil and lust as motivating factors, and see where that takes him. Meanwhile remote locations afford suitable laboratory conditions, and one can feel the master smirking as his wicked characters flaunt their attractions without the slightest intention of putting out.

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Country: US
Technical: bw 84m
Director: Russ Meyer
Cast: Tura Satana, Haji, Lori Williams


Three strippers kidnap a girl and head off into the desert. However, new opportunities for mischief present themselves when they come across an old man and his two sons at a filling station.


Possibly Meyer's best film, Pussycat encapsulates the classic Meyer fantasy: cast his own go-go dancer girlfriends in a narrative that presents arbitrary evil and lust as motivating factors, and see where that takes him. Meanwhile remote locations afford suitable laboratory conditions, and one can feel the master smirking as his wicked characters flaunt their attractions without the slightest intention of putting out.

Country: US
Technical: bw 84m
Director: Russ Meyer
Cast: Tura Satana, Haji, Lori Williams


Three strippers kidnap a girl and head off into the desert. However, new opportunities for mischief present themselves when they come across an old man and his two sons at a filling station.


Possibly Meyer's best film, Pussycat encapsulates the classic Meyer fantasy: cast his own go-go dancer girlfriends in a narrative that presents arbitrary evil and lust as motivating factors, and see where that takes him. Meanwhile remote locations afford suitable laboratory conditions, and one can feel the master smirking as his wicked characters flaunt their attractions without the slightest intention of putting out.