Les enfants du paradis (1945)


Country: FR
Technical: bw 195m
Director: Marcel Carné
Cast: Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur


An actor, a mime and an underworld Mr Big compete in their different ways for the attentions of Garance, the leading lady of the local theatre which occupies the hearts and minds of nineteenth century Paris.


In many ways a classic of French cinema: it is the culmination of the Carné-Prévert collaboration, a symbol of the indomitable French spirit in wartime (Garance serving as a Marianne figure, the theatre standing in for France), and it typifies a whole era of movie-making: stagey, yes, but thoroughly professional and deeply humanist.

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Country: FR
Technical: bw 195m
Director: Marcel Carné
Cast: Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur


An actor, a mime and an underworld Mr Big compete in their different ways for the attentions of Garance, the leading lady of the local theatre which occupies the hearts and minds of nineteenth century Paris.


In many ways a classic of French cinema: it is the culmination of the Carné-Prévert collaboration, a symbol of the indomitable French spirit in wartime (Garance serving as a Marianne figure, the theatre standing in for France), and it typifies a whole era of movie-making: stagey, yes, but thoroughly professional and deeply humanist.

Country: FR
Technical: bw 195m
Director: Marcel Carné
Cast: Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur


An actor, a mime and an underworld Mr Big compete in their different ways for the attentions of Garance, the leading lady of the local theatre which occupies the hearts and minds of nineteenth century Paris.


In many ways a classic of French cinema: it is the culmination of the Carné-Prévert collaboration, a symbol of the indomitable French spirit in wartime (Garance serving as a Marianne figure, the theatre standing in for France), and it typifies a whole era of movie-making: stagey, yes, but thoroughly professional and deeply humanist.