Équateur (1983)


Country: FR/GAB
Technical: col
Director: Serge Gainsbourg
Cast: Francis Huster, Barbara Sukowa, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Jean Bouise


A young man journeys to equatorial Africa and enjoys a torrid affair with a murderess until her lack of remorse unnerves him.


Whether Gainsbourg intended a film noir set in Africa or a condemnation of colonialism is moot but ultimately irrelevant, since nothing of any coherence obtrudes from amid scenes of abortive coition shot high-angle through mosquito netting, or the inaudible dialogue used to thread them together. All one can say is that filming in such humid conditions cannot have been easy, and the stars throw inhibition to the winds in their languorously erotic exertions.

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Country: FR/GAB
Technical: col
Director: Serge Gainsbourg
Cast: Francis Huster, Barbara Sukowa, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Jean Bouise


A young man journeys to equatorial Africa and enjoys a torrid affair with a murderess until her lack of remorse unnerves him.


Whether Gainsbourg intended a film noir set in Africa or a condemnation of colonialism is moot but ultimately irrelevant, since nothing of any coherence obtrudes from amid scenes of abortive coition shot high-angle through mosquito netting, or the inaudible dialogue used to thread them together. All one can say is that filming in such humid conditions cannot have been easy, and the stars throw inhibition to the winds in their languorously erotic exertions.

Country: FR/GAB
Technical: col
Director: Serge Gainsbourg
Cast: Francis Huster, Barbara Sukowa, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Jean Bouise


A young man journeys to equatorial Africa and enjoys a torrid affair with a murderess until her lack of remorse unnerves him.


Whether Gainsbourg intended a film noir set in Africa or a condemnation of colonialism is moot but ultimately irrelevant, since nothing of any coherence obtrudes from amid scenes of abortive coition shot high-angle through mosquito netting, or the inaudible dialogue used to thread them together. All one can say is that filming in such humid conditions cannot have been easy, and the stars throw inhibition to the winds in their languorously erotic exertions.