Engrenages (2005-20)



Country: FR
Technical: col/1.78:1 TV Series: 8 seasons (5,160m)
Director: Frédéric Jardin, others
Cast: Caroline Proust, Audrey Fleurot, Thierry Godard, Philippe Duclos, Fred Bianconi


The Police Judiciaire de Paris, led by the committed Laure Berthaud, deals with all manner of homicides linked to cogent issues of the day, such as illegal immigration, terrorism, sex trafficking and money laundering.


What distinguished Alexandra Clert's prodigious achievement (for Canal Plus/Son et Lumière) from other procedurals such as CSI, was the holistic view it took of the justice system, from the examining magistrate and his colleagues, often buffeted by political winds, via the legal fraternity, chasing after the lucrative cases, to the embattled officers of the brigade itself, who are pressurised into adopting dubious methods by the need for quick results. While the detail may have been unremittingly grim at times, the characters unfailingly take their hold on the viewer who, through their dramas, gains an insight into the workings of an imperfect system: that life is messy, and that people make the wrong decisions under pressure, are recurring motifs.

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Country: FR
Technical: col/1.78:1 TV Series: 8 seasons (5,160m)
Director: Frédéric Jardin, others
Cast: Caroline Proust, Audrey Fleurot, Thierry Godard, Philippe Duclos, Fred Bianconi


The Police Judiciaire de Paris, led by the committed Laure Berthaud, deals with all manner of homicides linked to cogent issues of the day, such as illegal immigration, terrorism, sex trafficking and money laundering.


What distinguished Alexandra Clert's prodigious achievement (for Canal Plus/Son et Lumière) from other procedurals such as CSI, was the holistic view it took of the justice system, from the examining magistrate and his colleagues, often buffeted by political winds, via the legal fraternity, chasing after the lucrative cases, to the embattled officers of the brigade itself, who are pressurised into adopting dubious methods by the need for quick results. While the detail may have been unremittingly grim at times, the characters unfailingly take their hold on the viewer who, through their dramas, gains an insight into the workings of an imperfect system: that life is messy, and that people make the wrong decisions under pressure, are recurring motifs.


Country: FR
Technical: col/1.78:1 TV Series: 8 seasons (5,160m)
Director: Frédéric Jardin, others
Cast: Caroline Proust, Audrey Fleurot, Thierry Godard, Philippe Duclos, Fred Bianconi


The Police Judiciaire de Paris, led by the committed Laure Berthaud, deals with all manner of homicides linked to cogent issues of the day, such as illegal immigration, terrorism, sex trafficking and money laundering.


What distinguished Alexandra Clert's prodigious achievement (for Canal Plus/Son et Lumière) from other procedurals such as CSI, was the holistic view it took of the justice system, from the examining magistrate and his colleagues, often buffeted by political winds, via the legal fraternity, chasing after the lucrative cases, to the embattled officers of the brigade itself, who are pressurised into adopting dubious methods by the need for quick results. While the detail may have been unremittingly grim at times, the characters unfailingly take their hold on the viewer who, through their dramas, gains an insight into the workings of an imperfect system: that life is messy, and that people make the wrong decisions under pressure, are recurring motifs.