Enemy Mine (1985)


Country: US
Technical: col/scope 108m
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Lou Gossett Jnr


Pilots from opposing sides in a stellar war crashland on a stricken planet and learn to get along.


With technical credits as immaculate as one would expect from ILM, and reminiscences of films such as This Island Earth and Robinson Crusoe on Mars, the film's early promise is not quite sustained by the familiar tropes of a Defiant Ones scenario: put two enemies together in extraordinary circumstances requiring cooperation, throw in a racial angle, and watch them overcome their prejudice and nurture mutual respect. Gossett Jnr is unrecognisable under remarkable alien makeup, and the production is a feast for the eyes.

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Country: US
Technical: col/scope 108m
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Lou Gossett Jnr


Pilots from opposing sides in a stellar war crashland on a stricken planet and learn to get along.


With technical credits as immaculate as one would expect from ILM, and reminiscences of films such as This Island Earth and Robinson Crusoe on Mars, the film's early promise is not quite sustained by the familiar tropes of a Defiant Ones scenario: put two enemies together in extraordinary circumstances requiring cooperation, throw in a racial angle, and watch them overcome their prejudice and nurture mutual respect. Gossett Jnr is unrecognisable under remarkable alien makeup, and the production is a feast for the eyes.

Country: US
Technical: col/scope 108m
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Lou Gossett Jnr


Pilots from opposing sides in a stellar war crashland on a stricken planet and learn to get along.


With technical credits as immaculate as one would expect from ILM, and reminiscences of films such as This Island Earth and Robinson Crusoe on Mars, the film's early promise is not quite sustained by the familiar tropes of a Defiant Ones scenario: put two enemies together in extraordinary circumstances requiring cooperation, throw in a racial angle, and watch them overcome their prejudice and nurture mutual respect. Gossett Jnr is unrecognisable under remarkable alien makeup, and the production is a feast for the eyes.