Éloge de l'amour (2001)


Country: FR/SW
Technical: bw/col 98m
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Cast: Bruno Putzulu, Cécile Camp, Claude Baignères


Writer and filmmakers discuss a new project based on the story of a couple who fought in the Resistance; we then flashback to some years before.


Extremely dry and difficult to follow, especially for those unaware of the general scheme of the screenplay, but something of a return to form for the old master, knitting together sound, image and music in his wontedly precise manner.

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Country: FR/SW
Technical: bw/col 98m
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Cast: Bruno Putzulu, Cécile Camp, Claude Baignères


Writer and filmmakers discuss a new project based on the story of a couple who fought in the Resistance; we then flashback to some years before.


Extremely dry and difficult to follow, especially for those unaware of the general scheme of the screenplay, but something of a return to form for the old master, knitting together sound, image and music in his wontedly precise manner.

Country: FR/SW
Technical: bw/col 98m
Director: Jean-Luc Godard
Cast: Bruno Putzulu, Cécile Camp, Claude Baignères


Writer and filmmakers discuss a new project based on the story of a couple who fought in the Resistance; we then flashback to some years before.


Extremely dry and difficult to follow, especially for those unaware of the general scheme of the screenplay, but something of a return to form for the old master, knitting together sound, image and music in his wontedly precise manner.