Retrospective David Clare Retrospective David Clare

A Kubrickian Odyssey

Last month the Ipswich Film Society showed Stanley Kubrick’s Paths of Glory, in part to commemorate the hundred years that have elapsed since the commencement of the First World War…

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Retrospective David Clare Retrospective David Clare

Salon de musique

Stung by Patrice Leconte’s latest underwhelming effort (A Promise) at the IFT last month, I dusted off one of my old favourites, The Hairdresser’s Husband, to be reminded of former glories…

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Retrospective, Uncategorized David Clare Retrospective, Uncategorized David Clare

Opening Credits

What with exam marking and report writing it has been a pretty fallow month on the cinematic front so, if I may be permitted an indulgence, I thought I would take my cue from Sight & Sound’s very successful ‘closing shot’ series at the end of their monthly magazine…

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News David Clare News David Clare

RIP Gordon Willis

Although he had not worked in movies for nearly two decades, the death from cancer last month of Gordon Willis marked the passing of one of the great cinematographers from the modern half of film history…

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Just seen David Clare Just seen David Clare

Seven Days a Week

Last week I saw two very different films, both built around the concept of one week’s events, and both using the days of the week as chapter titles up on the screen. The first was Jaume Balagueró’s psychological horror,…

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News David Clare News David Clare

Rich pickings this month

First off, I owe Matthew McConaughey an apology, having scoffed at his body transforming antics in Dallas Buyers Club last month…

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Uncategorized David Clare Uncategorized David Clare

Anglo-American Hustle

Yep, it’s that time of year again, and has been since Christmas. We have had the Golden Globes and the BAFTAs, with the inimitably imitable Stephen Fry, still the best of hosts, despite the occasionally misguided off-the-wall fancy…

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News David Clare News David Clare

The Talented Mr Hoffman

Obituary: Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014)We were all shocked and saddened at the beginning of the month to hear of the untimely death of Philip Seymour Hoffman from a drug overdose…

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Retrospective David Clare Retrospective David Clare

Rebel without applause?

Rebel without a Cause is one of those films, like The Seven Year Itch, which acquired mythic status because it offered the spectacle of a tragically short-lived star persona stripped to its essentials…

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Just seen David Clare Just seen David Clare

Summer Madness

I wrote this in the midst of this summer’s seemingly unending cycle of effects movies. I have been to see Tom Cruise in Oblivion, Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man Three, and the new Star Trek film, Into Darkness,…

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