The Bourne Legacy (2012)


Country: US/JAP
Technical: col/2.35:1 135m
Director: Tony Gilroy
Cast: Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach, Oscar Isaac


As the Bourne débâcle plays out in London and New York, a new security breach reveals itself which spells the end for other, related programmes. One 'participant' in such a programme is on manoeuvres in Alaska when he escapes elimination, and he makes his way to Virginia to secure the medication needed to preserve his 'enhancement'. However, the clean-up operation extends even to the scientists in the lab whose work in neuro-virology rendered the programmes possible. A woman survives, and together they strike out towards an insecure future.


The complexity of the science and Intelligence chicanery is artfully sustained in this offshoot of the Matt Damon films, which is far less opportunistic than it might sound. However, the nature of the security breach necessitating all the mayhem is never satisfactorily articulated, leaving us with a more paranoid scenario than all the others, and the only freshener is a shiny new leading man and a regained feminine interest. Edge of seat stuff, all the same.

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Country: US/JAP
Technical: col/2.35:1 135m
Director: Tony Gilroy
Cast: Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach, Oscar Isaac


As the Bourne débâcle plays out in London and New York, a new security breach reveals itself which spells the end for other, related programmes. One 'participant' in such a programme is on manoeuvres in Alaska when he escapes elimination, and he makes his way to Virginia to secure the medication needed to preserve his 'enhancement'. However, the clean-up operation extends even to the scientists in the lab whose work in neuro-virology rendered the programmes possible. A woman survives, and together they strike out towards an insecure future.


The complexity of the science and Intelligence chicanery is artfully sustained in this offshoot of the Matt Damon films, which is far less opportunistic than it might sound. However, the nature of the security breach necessitating all the mayhem is never satisfactorily articulated, leaving us with a more paranoid scenario than all the others, and the only freshener is a shiny new leading man and a regained feminine interest. Edge of seat stuff, all the same.

Country: US/JAP
Technical: col/2.35:1 135m
Director: Tony Gilroy
Cast: Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach, Oscar Isaac


As the Bourne débâcle plays out in London and New York, a new security breach reveals itself which spells the end for other, related programmes. One 'participant' in such a programme is on manoeuvres in Alaska when he escapes elimination, and he makes his way to Virginia to secure the medication needed to preserve his 'enhancement'. However, the clean-up operation extends even to the scientists in the lab whose work in neuro-virology rendered the programmes possible. A woman survives, and together they strike out towards an insecure future.


The complexity of the science and Intelligence chicanery is artfully sustained in this offshoot of the Matt Damon films, which is far less opportunistic than it might sound. However, the nature of the security breach necessitating all the mayhem is never satisfactorily articulated, leaving us with a more paranoid scenario than all the others, and the only freshener is a shiny new leading man and a regained feminine interest. Edge of seat stuff, all the same.