The Bible In the Beginning (1966)


(La Bibbia)

Country: US/IT
Technical: col/scope 70 174m
Director: John Huston, (Ernst Haas)
Cast: John Huston, George C. Scott, Ava Gardner, Richard Harris, Stephen Boyd, Gabriele Ferzetti


A pictorialization of Genesis from the Creation to the sacrifice of Isaac; from myth to the commencement of Jewish history.


For all that Huston's narration is at times too quiet, it would be hard to improve on much of this. It is textually faithful, with the exception of Nimrod's identification with the Tower of Babel, it is spectacular in a way few productions could afford to be now, and it strikes an involving progression from the relative woodenness of Adam and Eve to a fully formed character such as Abraham. Only the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a resolutely unspecial effect, and its existence as ruins later problematic, since it became the bottom of the Dead Sea. In short, with its lively score and perfect choice of locations, it is a prestigious piece of work indeed, reverential but no more than it need be.

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(La Bibbia)

Country: US/IT
Technical: col/scope 70 174m
Director: John Huston, (Ernst Haas)
Cast: John Huston, George C. Scott, Ava Gardner, Richard Harris, Stephen Boyd, Gabriele Ferzetti


A pictorialization of Genesis from the Creation to the sacrifice of Isaac; from myth to the commencement of Jewish history.


For all that Huston's narration is at times too quiet, it would be hard to improve on much of this. It is textually faithful, with the exception of Nimrod's identification with the Tower of Babel, it is spectacular in a way few productions could afford to be now, and it strikes an involving progression from the relative woodenness of Adam and Eve to a fully formed character such as Abraham. Only the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a resolutely unspecial effect, and its existence as ruins later problematic, since it became the bottom of the Dead Sea. In short, with its lively score and perfect choice of locations, it is a prestigious piece of work indeed, reverential but no more than it need be.

(La Bibbia)

Country: US/IT
Technical: col/scope 70 174m
Director: John Huston, (Ernst Haas)
Cast: John Huston, George C. Scott, Ava Gardner, Richard Harris, Stephen Boyd, Gabriele Ferzetti


A pictorialization of Genesis from the Creation to the sacrifice of Isaac; from myth to the commencement of Jewish history.


For all that Huston's narration is at times too quiet, it would be hard to improve on much of this. It is textually faithful, with the exception of Nimrod's identification with the Tower of Babel, it is spectacular in a way few productions could afford to be now, and it strikes an involving progression from the relative woodenness of Adam and Eve to a fully formed character such as Abraham. Only the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a resolutely unspecial effect, and its existence as ruins later problematic, since it became the bottom of the Dead Sea. In short, with its lively score and perfect choice of locations, it is a prestigious piece of work indeed, reverential but no more than it need be.