Burton and Taylor (2013)


Country: GB
Technical: col/2.35:1 83m
Director: Richard Laxton
Cast: Dominic West, Helena Bonham Carter, Lenora Crichlow


Having been married and divorced twice, the Burtons embark on a New York theatrical run of Private Lives. The actor's initial misgivings are confirmed when the public reveals itself more interested in the play's overlap with the couple's personal history than in its intrinsic merits, and when his co-star clearly has her eyes set on a round three.


Notwithstanding its widescreen format, this is very much a BBC television drama in essence. The pair accomplish their impersonations well enough, Bonham Carter with her americanised whine, West only really sounding like Burton when speaking verse; but as always, after five minutes or so, it is about the interplay of the characters and how invested we become. One has to conclude, therefore, that the dramatic content is just not compelling enough to quite make us forget we are watching two performers playing at being two giant sized celebrities.

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Country: GB
Technical: col/2.35:1 83m
Director: Richard Laxton
Cast: Dominic West, Helena Bonham Carter, Lenora Crichlow


Having been married and divorced twice, the Burtons embark on a New York theatrical run of Private Lives. The actor's initial misgivings are confirmed when the public reveals itself more interested in the play's overlap with the couple's personal history than in its intrinsic merits, and when his co-star clearly has her eyes set on a round three.


Notwithstanding its widescreen format, this is very much a BBC television drama in essence. The pair accomplish their impersonations well enough, Bonham Carter with her americanised whine, West only really sounding like Burton when speaking verse; but as always, after five minutes or so, it is about the interplay of the characters and how invested we become. One has to conclude, therefore, that the dramatic content is just not compelling enough to quite make us forget we are watching two performers playing at being two giant sized celebrities.

Country: GB
Technical: col/2.35:1 83m
Director: Richard Laxton
Cast: Dominic West, Helena Bonham Carter, Lenora Crichlow


Having been married and divorced twice, the Burtons embark on a New York theatrical run of Private Lives. The actor's initial misgivings are confirmed when the public reveals itself more interested in the play's overlap with the couple's personal history than in its intrinsic merits, and when his co-star clearly has her eyes set on a round three.


Notwithstanding its widescreen format, this is very much a BBC television drama in essence. The pair accomplish their impersonations well enough, Bonham Carter with her americanised whine, West only really sounding like Burton when speaking verse; but as always, after five minutes or so, it is about the interplay of the characters and how invested we become. One has to conclude, therefore, that the dramatic content is just not compelling enough to quite make us forget we are watching two performers playing at being two giant sized celebrities.