Burn After Reading (2008)


Country: US/GB/FR
Technical: DeLuxe 96m
Director: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Cast: George Clooney, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton, Richard Jenkins, Brad Pitt


A CIA analyst is constructively dismissed from a relatively high clearance post and takes revenge by writing his memoirs. As an indirect consequence of the deceitful shenanigans of his wife, these wind up on the restroom floor of a fitness gym whose employees attempt to blackmail him. Also involved is a Treasury officer who is having an affair with both the analyst's wife and the internet-dating, cosmetic surgery-chasing assistant manageress of the gym.


The kind of violent comedy only the Coens could come up with, this manages to conjure memories of Fargo, Intolerable Cruelty, The Ladykillers and No Country for Old Men all at the same time. The cast is as eclectic as one from a Woody Allen film, some of whom are restrained, others less so, but the whole thing moves at so brisk a pace that it keeps you guessing and includes more than one jaw-dropping moment. Clearly the creator duo is spectacularly obsessed with the capacity of human kind to fuck up.

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Country: US/GB/FR
Technical: DeLuxe 96m
Director: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Cast: George Clooney, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton, Richard Jenkins, Brad Pitt


A CIA analyst is constructively dismissed from a relatively high clearance post and takes revenge by writing his memoirs. As an indirect consequence of the deceitful shenanigans of his wife, these wind up on the restroom floor of a fitness gym whose employees attempt to blackmail him. Also involved is a Treasury officer who is having an affair with both the analyst's wife and the internet-dating, cosmetic surgery-chasing assistant manageress of the gym.


The kind of violent comedy only the Coens could come up with, this manages to conjure memories of Fargo, Intolerable Cruelty, The Ladykillers and No Country for Old Men all at the same time. The cast is as eclectic as one from a Woody Allen film, some of whom are restrained, others less so, but the whole thing moves at so brisk a pace that it keeps you guessing and includes more than one jaw-dropping moment. Clearly the creator duo is spectacularly obsessed with the capacity of human kind to fuck up.

Country: US/GB/FR
Technical: DeLuxe 96m
Director: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Cast: George Clooney, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton, Richard Jenkins, Brad Pitt


A CIA analyst is constructively dismissed from a relatively high clearance post and takes revenge by writing his memoirs. As an indirect consequence of the deceitful shenanigans of his wife, these wind up on the restroom floor of a fitness gym whose employees attempt to blackmail him. Also involved is a Treasury officer who is having an affair with both the analyst's wife and the internet-dating, cosmetic surgery-chasing assistant manageress of the gym.


The kind of violent comedy only the Coens could come up with, this manages to conjure memories of Fargo, Intolerable Cruelty, The Ladykillers and No Country for Old Men all at the same time. The cast is as eclectic as one from a Woody Allen film, some of whom are restrained, others less so, but the whole thing moves at so brisk a pace that it keeps you guessing and includes more than one jaw-dropping moment. Clearly the creator duo is spectacularly obsessed with the capacity of human kind to fuck up.