Buffalo Soldiers (2001)


Country: GB/US/GER
Technical: Technicolor 98m
Director: Gregor Jordan
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Anna Paquin


In the latter days of the cold war, American troops stationed in Germany engage in pointless training exercises and get high on smack cooked on the base by their enterprising clerk, a descendant of Milo Minderbender. However, when a new top sergeant arrives intent on sniffing out racketeering, the two are bound to cross swords.


Interesting satiric drama, low on laughs, which makes it all seem rather grim after a while. The point about the modern GIs' having no idea of their role in a NATO sphere of operation is well made and easily transferable to Iraq.

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Country: GB/US/GER
Technical: Technicolor 98m
Director: Gregor Jordan
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Anna Paquin


In the latter days of the cold war, American troops stationed in Germany engage in pointless training exercises and get high on smack cooked on the base by their enterprising clerk, a descendant of Milo Minderbender. However, when a new top sergeant arrives intent on sniffing out racketeering, the two are bound to cross swords.


Interesting satiric drama, low on laughs, which makes it all seem rather grim after a while. The point about the modern GIs' having no idea of their role in a NATO sphere of operation is well made and easily transferable to Iraq.

Country: GB/US/GER
Technical: Technicolor 98m
Director: Gregor Jordan
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Anna Paquin


In the latter days of the cold war, American troops stationed in Germany engage in pointless training exercises and get high on smack cooked on the base by their enterprising clerk, a descendant of Milo Minderbender. However, when a new top sergeant arrives intent on sniffing out racketeering, the two are bound to cross swords.


Interesting satiric drama, low on laughs, which makes it all seem rather grim after a while. The point about the modern GIs' having no idea of their role in a NATO sphere of operation is well made and easily transferable to Iraq.