Border (2018)



Country: SV/DK
Technical: col/2.39:1 110m
Director: Ali Abbasi
Cast: Eva Melander, Eero Milonoff, Jörgen Thorsson


Tina works as a customs officer between Sweden and Denmark. Her curious affinity with animals and hyper-developed senses make her unerringly accurate in identifying smugglers of all kinds, while her feral appearance deters all bar her dog loving live-in boyfriend. Then one day she makes a mistake and is one step closer to finding what makes her so special.


This singular drama is intriguing from the off, but just as it gets going along Scandi-noir lines it suddenly takes an unexpected turn into the incredibly strange. Meanwhile it picks away at what makes us human and whether nature is always red in tooth and claw, without arriving at any conclusions really. Still, it is a remarkable central performance, prosthetic makeup and all.

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Country: SV/DK
Technical: col/2.39:1 110m
Director: Ali Abbasi
Cast: Eva Melander, Eero Milonoff, Jörgen Thorsson


Tina works as a customs officer between Sweden and Denmark. Her curious affinity with animals and hyper-developed senses make her unerringly accurate in identifying smugglers of all kinds, while her feral appearance deters all bar her dog loving live-in boyfriend. Then one day she makes a mistake and is one step closer to finding what makes her so special.


This singular drama is intriguing from the off, but just as it gets going along Scandi-noir lines it suddenly takes an unexpected turn into the incredibly strange. Meanwhile it picks away at what makes us human and whether nature is always red in tooth and claw, without arriving at any conclusions really. Still, it is a remarkable central performance, prosthetic makeup and all.


Country: SV/DK
Technical: col/2.39:1 110m
Director: Ali Abbasi
Cast: Eva Melander, Eero Milonoff, Jörgen Thorsson


Tina works as a customs officer between Sweden and Denmark. Her curious affinity with animals and hyper-developed senses make her unerringly accurate in identifying smugglers of all kinds, while her feral appearance deters all bar her dog loving live-in boyfriend. Then one day she makes a mistake and is one step closer to finding what makes her so special.


This singular drama is intriguing from the off, but just as it gets going along Scandi-noir lines it suddenly takes an unexpected turn into the incredibly strange. Meanwhile it picks away at what makes us human and whether nature is always red in tooth and claw, without arriving at any conclusions really. Still, it is a remarkable central performance, prosthetic makeup and all.