Blancanieves (2012)


(Snow White)

Country: SP
Technical: bw/1.37:1 104m
Director: Pablo Berger
Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Inma Cuesta, Ángela Molina, Maribel Verdú


The daughter of a famous bullfighter is orphaned from childbirth, brought up by her grandmother, imprisoned by her stepmother, and finally rescued by a band of bullfighting dwarves, whereupon she discovers her hereditary talent in the arena.


This black and white silent picture inevitably invites comparison with The Artist and, for its part, evokes the silent era in its melodramatic tale and iconography. It is a tour de force of sound and vision, its music and effects more than making up for the lack of dialogue, and its fabulous antecedents filling in the gaps equally well.

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(Snow White)

Country: SP
Technical: bw/1.37:1 104m
Director: Pablo Berger
Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Inma Cuesta, Ángela Molina, Maribel Verdú


The daughter of a famous bullfighter is orphaned from childbirth, brought up by her grandmother, imprisoned by her stepmother, and finally rescued by a band of bullfighting dwarves, whereupon she discovers her hereditary talent in the arena.


This black and white silent picture inevitably invites comparison with The Artist and, for its part, evokes the silent era in its melodramatic tale and iconography. It is a tour de force of sound and vision, its music and effects more than making up for the lack of dialogue, and its fabulous antecedents filling in the gaps equally well.

(Snow White)

Country: SP
Technical: bw/1.37:1 104m
Director: Pablo Berger
Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Inma Cuesta, Ángela Molina, Maribel Verdú


The daughter of a famous bullfighter is orphaned from childbirth, brought up by her grandmother, imprisoned by her stepmother, and finally rescued by a band of bullfighting dwarves, whereupon she discovers her hereditary talent in the arena.


This black and white silent picture inevitably invites comparison with The Artist and, for its part, evokes the silent era in its melodramatic tale and iconography. It is a tour de force of sound and vision, its music and effects more than making up for the lack of dialogue, and its fabulous antecedents filling in the gaps equally well.