Big Jake (1971)


Country: US
Technical: col/scope 110m
Director: George Sherman
Cast: John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O'Hara


A ranch is overrun by outlaws, who kidnap one of the grandchildren and hold him to ransom. However, they don't reckon with Big Jake McCandles and his sons coming after them.


After a particularly violent opening, this film settles into its reassuringly predictable trajectory, with the Duke and Boone playing their personae to the hilt. The presence of O'Hara and the Wayne and Mitchum boys also give it a family affair feel which works in its favour.

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Country: US
Technical: col/scope 110m
Director: George Sherman
Cast: John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O'Hara


A ranch is overrun by outlaws, who kidnap one of the grandchildren and hold him to ransom. However, they don't reckon with Big Jake McCandles and his sons coming after them.


After a particularly violent opening, this film settles into its reassuringly predictable trajectory, with the Duke and Boone playing their personae to the hilt. The presence of O'Hara and the Wayne and Mitchum boys also give it a family affair feel which works in its favour.

Country: US
Technical: col/scope 110m
Director: George Sherman
Cast: John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen O'Hara


A ranch is overrun by outlaws, who kidnap one of the grandchildren and hold him to ransom. However, they don't reckon with Big Jake McCandles and his sons coming after them.


After a particularly violent opening, this film settles into its reassuringly predictable trajectory, with the Duke and Boone playing their personae to the hilt. The presence of O'Hara and the Wayne and Mitchum boys also give it a family affair feel which works in its favour.