Between Showers (1914)


Country: US
Technical: bw 15m
Director: Henry Lehrman
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Ford Sterling, Chester Conklin


A thief steals an umbrella from a cop, and it becomes a bone of contention when he attempts to show gallantry to a woman trying to cross a flooded street. A more nimble-witted competitor is also a fly in the ointment.


Early keystone one-reeler, with a delayed appearance by Chaplin - playing second fiddle to Sterling - but early evidence of his technique of running on and off camera at right angles to the action. The production makes good use of a suburban Hollywood street after a rainstorm.

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Country: US
Technical: bw 15m
Director: Henry Lehrman
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Ford Sterling, Chester Conklin


A thief steals an umbrella from a cop, and it becomes a bone of contention when he attempts to show gallantry to a woman trying to cross a flooded street. A more nimble-witted competitor is also a fly in the ointment.


Early keystone one-reeler, with a delayed appearance by Chaplin - playing second fiddle to Sterling - but early evidence of his technique of running on and off camera at right angles to the action. The production makes good use of a suburban Hollywood street after a rainstorm.

Country: US
Technical: bw 15m
Director: Henry Lehrman
Cast: Charles Chaplin, Ford Sterling, Chester Conklin


A thief steals an umbrella from a cop, and it becomes a bone of contention when he attempts to show gallantry to a woman trying to cross a flooded street. A more nimble-witted competitor is also a fly in the ointment.


Early keystone one-reeler, with a delayed appearance by Chaplin - playing second fiddle to Sterling - but early evidence of his technique of running on and off camera at right angles to the action. The production makes good use of a suburban Hollywood street after a rainstorm.