22 Jump Street (2014)


Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 112m
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Peter Stormare


The undercover cops from 21 Jump Street enrol as students at MC State in order to identify the pedlars of a dangerous new drug named WhyFy (Wi-Fi - get it?) In fact, exactly what they did in the earlier film.


What counts as comedy in contemporary Hollywood: youth-oriented, brash, profane and self-reflexive. It might have been Horse Feathers or Abbott and Costello in Here Come the Co-Eds in times gone by, but overt sex and drugs references have replaced any wit and most of the knockabout. There are nice running gags about the relative physical ineptitude of the Hill character, and the knuckle-headed bonding of Tatum with a soulmate on the football team, but these are scant rewards for what is in any case an overlong farrago.

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Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 112m
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Peter Stormare


The undercover cops from 21 Jump Street enrol as students at MC State in order to identify the pedlars of a dangerous new drug named WhyFy (Wi-Fi - get it?) In fact, exactly what they did in the earlier film.


What counts as comedy in contemporary Hollywood: youth-oriented, brash, profane and self-reflexive. It might have been Horse Feathers or Abbott and Costello in Here Come the Co-Eds in times gone by, but overt sex and drugs references have replaced any wit and most of the knockabout. There are nice running gags about the relative physical ineptitude of the Hill character, and the knuckle-headed bonding of Tatum with a soulmate on the football team, but these are scant rewards for what is in any case an overlong farrago.

Country: US
Technical: col/2.35:1 112m
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Peter Stormare


The undercover cops from 21 Jump Street enrol as students at MC State in order to identify the pedlars of a dangerous new drug named WhyFy (Wi-Fi - get it?) In fact, exactly what they did in the earlier film.


What counts as comedy in contemporary Hollywood: youth-oriented, brash, profane and self-reflexive. It might have been Horse Feathers or Abbott and Costello in Here Come the Co-Eds in times gone by, but overt sex and drugs references have replaced any wit and most of the knockabout. There are nice running gags about the relative physical ineptitude of the Hill character, and the knuckle-headed bonding of Tatum with a soulmate on the football team, but these are scant rewards for what is in any case an overlong farrago.